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    Beasiswa Pemerintah Taiwan The Taiwan Fellowships & Scholarships (TAFS) program is a Republic of China (R.O.C.) government initiative aimed to promote research, educational links, and enduring friendships between Taiwan and the global community. The TAFS program comprises 8 awards in 3 categories: Research Fellowships, Huayu (Mandarin) Enrichment Scholarships, and Scholarships to undertake degree studies. Approximately 1,200 awards are provided annually for undergraduate and postgraduate students, and researchers from across the world to study or conduct advanced research in Taiwan.

    Category Program Title Contents
    Huayu (Mandarin) Enrichment Scholarship MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship
    • Duration: summer classes (2 months), 3, 6, 9 months, or 1 year
    • Monthly stipend: NT$25,000
    • Only for recipients from eligible countries designated by the MOE
    Scholarships for Degree (For undergraduate or postgraduate) MOFA Taiwan Scholarship
    • Duration: undergraduate (max. 4 years), master’s (max. 2 years), Ph.D. (max. 4 years), pre-degree Mandarin Language Program (max. 1 year) available
    • Monthly stipend: NT$30,000
    • *LEP Monthly stipend: NT$25,000
    • One direct round-trip economy-class ticket
    • For recipients from countries with diplomatic ties with the R.O.C.
    MOE Taiwan Scholarship
    • Duration: undergraduate program (max. 4 years), master’s (max. 2 years), Ph.D. (max. 4 years)
    • Monthly stipends: NT$15,000 for undergraduate, NT$20,000 for master’s or Ph.D.
    • Waiver of tuition and certain fees
    • Recipients can only study at universities participating in the Taiwan Scholarship Program.
    • Only for recipients from eligible countries designated by the MOE
    Academia Sinica

    Taiwan International Graduate Program

    • Duration: Ph.D. program (max. 3 years)
    • Monthly stipend: NT$32,000
    • Recipients can only be enrolled in one of the highly specialized interdisciplinary Ph.D. programs run in collaboration with research universities in Taiwan
    • Fields: life science, mathematics, and earth system science

    International Higher Education Scholarship Programs

    • Duration: undergraduate (max. 4 years),master’s (max. 2 years), Ph.D. (max. 4 years)
    • Monthly stipends: NT$12,000 for undergraduate, NT$15,000 for master’s, NT$17,000 for Ph.D.
    • Book costs, credit fees, tuition fees, housing, and insurance covered
    • Fields: mainly in agriculture, medicine, engineering, business administration, and technology
    • Recipients can only be enrolled in one program in collaboration with the TaiwanICDF and an associated university in Taiwan
    • One direct round-trip economy-class ticket
    • Only for recipients from countries with diplomatic ties with the R.O.C. and certain developing countries
    Fellowships for Research MOFA Taiwan Fellowship
    • Duration: min. 3 months, max. 1 year
    • Monthly stipends: NT$60,000 for professors, associate professors, research fellows, or associate research fellows; NT$50,000 for assistant professors, assistant research fellows, post-doctoral researchers, doctoral candidates, doctoral program students, or others
    • Fields: social sciences or humanities regarding Taiwan, cross Taiwan Strait relations, mainland China, and the Asia Pacific or other aspects of Sinology
    • One direct round-trip economy-class ticket (up to the max. subsidy)
    MOE Short Term Research Award
    • Duration: min. 2 months, max. 6 months
    • Monthly grant:NT$25,000 for Ph.D. Candidate, NT$40,000 for Post Doctoral Fellows
    • Fields: Taiwanese culture, social sciences and related comparative research
    • One direct round-trip economy-class ticket (up to the max. subsidy)
    MOE APEC Scholarships
    • Duration: min. 2 months, max. 6 months
    • Monthly grant:NT$25,000 for Ph.D. Candidate, NT$40,000 for Post Doctoral Fellows
    • Fields: Taiwanese humanities and art disciplines, education and culture, social sciences, the natural sciences, and/or related comparative research.
    • One direct round-trip economy-class ticket (up to the max. subsidy)
    Center for Chinese Studeis

    Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies

    • Duration: min. 3 months, max. 1 year
    • Monthly grants: NT$60,000 for professors, NT$50,000 for associate professors, and NT$40,000 for assistant professors or doctoral candidates. Grants for research fellows will be awarded according to their corresponding levels.
    • Field: Chinese studies and Taiwan studies
    • One direct round-trip economy-class ticket (up to the max. subsidy)
    Other Awards Taiwan Foundation for Democracy’s Fellowships
    • Duration: max. 1 year 4 categories: Dissertation Fellowships, for Ph.D. candidates writing their thesis; Postdoctoral Fellowships, for those who have recently received their Ph.D.; Democracy and Human Rights Service Fellowships, for those who want to be involved in democracy and human rights projects in Taiwan; and International Visiting Fellowships, for experienced democracy and human rights advocates.
    • Field: human rights or democracy
    • One direct round-trip economy-class ticket
    • Monthly grants: to be determined individually by the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy
    Grants from the Chiang Chingkuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange
    • Offers differ depending on where the application is filed, by whom (scholar, academic institution or senior scholar) and the project type (conferences, workshops, publications, research projects, doctoral theses or postdoctoral studies). Please refer to the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange website for detailed information.
    • Fields: Chinese culture, Sinology, and all aspects of the development of the R.O.C. (from its foundation to the present day)


    Program Title Application Date
    MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship February 1 to March 31
    MOE Taiwan Scholarship February 1 to March 31
    MOFA Taiwan Scholarship February 1 to March 31
    Academia Sinica Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) from the announcement date to March 31 of the following year
    International Higher Education Scholarship Programs of TaiwanlCDF January 1 to March 15
    MOE Short Term Research Award before the end of September
    MOE APEC Scholarships before September 30
    MOFA Taiwan Fellowship May 1 to June 30
    Grants from the Chiang Chingkuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange please visit the official website for details
    Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies before May 31
    Taiwan Foundation for Democracy’s Fellowships please visit the official website for details

    Further Information About Scholarships & Fellowships

    Center for Chinese Studies :
    Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange :
    Ministry of Education (MOE) :
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA):
    Taiwan Foundation for Democracy :
    Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program :
    TaiwanICDF :
    TIGP :

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