Info Beasiswa

Beasiswa LPDP 2016-2017 untuk S2, S3, dan Riset

Sebagian dari Anda mungkin sudah merencanakan studi di 2016. Segala sesuatunya pastilah harus dipersiapkan, termasuk mengenai sumber biaya untuk mendanai pendidikan tersebut. Bagi Anda yang memiliki dana cukup tentu itu bukan sebuah kendala, namun bila Anda menggantungkan pembiayaan dari sumber lain, keberadaan beasiswa akan sangat membantu. Salah satu beasiswa yang masih menjanjikan untuk Anda raih […]

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25 Beasiswa Terbaik di Swedia untuk Mahasiswa Indonesia

Up until 2010,  Sweden has been one of the few countries in Europe where you can study for free. The Swedish Government has then passed a law that charges tuition and application fees for students from non-EU/EEA countries to be supplemented by Swedish Scholarship Programs. A significant number of Swedish Universities still offer scholarships in the form

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Beasiswa S1 Kedokteran Semua Jurusan di Universitas Pelita Harapan

Informasi beasiswa S1 kali ini dapat dicoba bagi adik-adik lulusan SMA/ SMK / sederajat. Beasiswa Universitas Pelita Harapan ditawarkan setiap tahunnya secara rutin oleh Kampus UPH bagi para calon mahasiswa program Sarjana. Beasiswa S1 Kedokteran – Semua Jurusan di Universitas Pelita Harapan beasiswa s1 kedokteran uph jakarta Beasiswa S1 Kedokteran – Semua Jurusan di Universitas

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Fully Funded PhD Scholarships, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Nanyang Technological University – Singapore, is offering fully funded PhD scholarships for all students from any country commencing study in academic year 2017 – 2018. The scholarship will cover full tuition fees, monthly stipend, conference allowance, one time IT allowance, annual grant for journal subscription or book purchase, thesis allowance, and priority for subsidized campus

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CBS Innovation International Scholarships, Curtin University, Australia

The Curtin Business School (CBS) Innovation International Scholarship has been developed by Curtin University to encourage and support students who have chosen to study in the field of business information systems / technology. The CBS Innovation International Scholarship is part of Curtin University’s commitment to innovation and excellence in teaching and research, for the benefit

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22 Beasiswa Unggulan untuk Mahasiswa dari Indonesia

Although not all, most scholarship programs are merit-based meaning scholars are chosen based on academic merit or in others forms such as leadership, athletic, or artistic merits.  Merit-based scholarships are sometimes referred to as excellence scholarships since it seeks out the most bright and most talented students. Merit-based Scholarships offered by Foreign Governments » Fulbright Foreign Student

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10 Beasiswa Terbaik di Belgia Untuk Mahasiswa Indonesia

Unknown to many, there are a number of scholarship programs in Belgium for international students specifically for students from developing countries. The Belgian Government, in their efforts towards development cooperation, offers scholarships to foreign students wishing to pursue further studies in Belgium. Belgian Universities included in the top 100 World Universities has scholarship programs for international students as well.

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10 Beasiswa Terbaik di Switzerland Untuk Mahasiswa Indonesia

Did you know that tuition fees at Swiss universities are relatively low compared to other European Countries? You can enrol at a Swiss University for as low as $1,500 a year. This makes Switzerland one of the top choices for international students looking to pursue studies in Europe. Moreover, there are available Swiss scholarships for international students that

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Beasiswa di University of Iowa, USA

Ingin melanjutkan S1 di USA dengan beasiswa? Peluang yang ditawarkan University of Iowa ini bisa menjadi salah satu pilihannya. University of Iowa menawarkan beasiswa kuliah bagi warganegara Amerika maupun mancanegara untuk semua program S1 yang tersedia di kampus tersebut. Beasiswa ini disediakan melalui Presidential Scholarship. Tiap tahun ada 20 kursi beasiswa dengan durasi hingga empat tahun.

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Beasiswa Glints untuk Mahasiswa S1

Ini kesempatan bagi Anda yang berstatus mahasiswa S1 di Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) atau pun Universitas Indonesia (UI) untuk memperoleh beasiswa dari Glints. Perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan informasi kerja ini menawarkan beasiswa kuliah bagi mahasiswa S1 semua tingkatan dan jurusan di kedua perguruan tinggi tersebut. Program beasiswa ini dinamai Glints Scholarship. Pelamar yang terpilih nantinya

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